Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Break

I took a full week off for Christmas this year to spend some quality time with Lucas. Unfortunately, both Lucas and I had colds over the long break so It was not much of a fun vacation. However, it was still nice to be home with him and get ready for the holiday. The main event from the week besides Christmas, was transforming Lucas' room into a big kid room. More on that in a separate post.

I literally felt so bad on Christmas that I did not take a single picture on my real camera on Christmas day (which I still can't believe). What an epic fail! The only thing I got was a few pics on my iphone and a video of Lucas coming downstairs to see his train from Santa.

Santa left Lucas' train table in "the study" as Josh refers to it - haha. His other gifts were left by the Christmas tree in our family room. We had a good day and Lucas got spoiled with lots of toys, books and movies. Later in the day, we had family come over for dinner. It was a very nice Christmas minus being under the weather.

Here is a video of Lucas finding his train table from Santa:

Here are a few random pictures of the trees and stockings:

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