Saturday, November 30, 2013


Here is a recap of our Halloween Activities.

The Saturday before Halloween, Lucas was invited to a Halloween party. Adrienne is his cute and sweet little friend from school. She is such a sweetheart. It was so nice to be able to use his costume more than once.

The next day we painted pumpkins outside. Lucas loved it and had a major temper tantrum when the fun was over.

Every year, Lucas' school has a parade around the shopping center they are next to. The stores and restaurants in the shopping center hand out candy and treats to all the kids. It is so cute and I go every year to take pics. Sadly, Lucas was sick on Halloween so I just took him there for the parade and then took him back home. He didn't get to participate in the party afterwards.

That evening, we put on his costume again... Since he wasn't feeling well, we just went to a couple houses with the neighbors just so we could grab a few pics.

Here is Lucas with our neighbor friends:
(Photo courtesy of Amy & Greg)

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