Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Another Surgery for Lucas

Our poor little bugger had to go through another surgery last week. Back in fall I discovered a weird bump on his back (right above his bottom). The pediatrician referred us to a pediatric dermatologist and she did not think it was a big deal but referred us to a surgeon for a 2nd opinion. The surgeon was based out of Children's Hospital and also felt that it wasn't anything to worry about but told us she would look at it a few months later. When we saw her back in January she said it was up to us if we wanted to have it removed for peace of mind. Josh and I felt that we needed to have it taken off just in case. I just didn't want to look at it and worry anymore (I know that I am overly paranoid but I can't help it). The surgery was at Children's Hospital's Fairfax location. It was a quick 45 minute procedure. They gave him anesthesia and an IV. The doctor removed it and again did not think it looked like anything to be concerned about but did send it in to be tested. We have not received those test results back yet. Prayers are appreciated but we are optimistic that he is just fine. Lucas did great and was barely affected by the surgery at all. As soon as we got home he was back into everything!

Here are a few pics of Lucas tearing up the room we were in before he went back.

These bins were full of socks and Lucas thought it was funny to dump them all out:


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