Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lucas-10 Months Old

This is how our 10 month photo session went. Let's get say that I hope to be able to get the next 2 months on camera. This boy will no longer sit still to take a photo and has quite a temper when you try to force him to sit.

This was the temper tantrum that started when we tried to get him to sit:

Daddy let him stand up which made him happier than sitting...



We tried for a second time to get him to sit in the chair to take a photo (with daddy next to him). No dice.

Lucas @ 10 Months:
-has developed a temper
-started crawling right after he turned 9 months
-hates getting his diaper changed (he used to love it)
-hates getting dressed
-has started to really develop an interest in Cody
-loves daycare
-is starting to eat more and more regular foods
-loves cheese
-still hasn't sit 20lbs
-loves music and when people sing to him
-has 5 teeth and is getting ready to cut his 6th

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