Friday, August 24, 2012

Life Lately

Where to begin? I went back to work in mid-July and it was a fairly smooth transition. Lucas loves his daycare and is learning a lot. I definitely miss being with him during the day but it is so nice to talk to adults. Our schedule leaves us exhausted at the end of everyday and I keep using this as the excuse for why I haven't started exercising.

Our Weekday Schedule:
5:45-6:00-Josh wakes up
6:30-Lucas wakes up (I dress him, give him kisses and put him in Daddy's car)
6:45-Get myself ready
8:00-Arrive at work
5:00-Leave work
5:30-Arrive at daycare (yes, it takes 30 minutes to go 8 miles)
6:00-Arrive home (another 25 minutes or so to go another 6-7 miles)
6:00-Lucas gets dinner
6:30-7:30-Chase Lucas around/make dinner for us/get bottles and food ready for lucas for the next day
7:30-Bottle for Lucas
8:00-Bedtime for Lucas
8:00-Relaxation time
9:30-10:00-Bed for Josh and me

As for weekends, Lucas gets up at his normal 6:30 wake up time. I am typically sitting outside stores waiting for them to open on Saturdays when I know many of my friends are sleeping in. Oh well, I wouldn't trade this life for anything.... :-)

I am so, so glad today is Friday!

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