Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Baby Food Purees

Lucas started solids at a little after 5 months old. I decided to go ahead and make the commitment to make his baby food. I was originally going to purchase a Beaba Baby Food Maker but after talking my friend Besse, I decided to just just purchase a large food processor. I am really glad I did! I have been making large batches of food and freezing everything. I have been following this blog for advice. It is a great source of information. I also own Cooking for Baby by Lisa Barnes which is filled with recipes split up by age and has lots of colorful photos. I was using these ice cube trays but decided to go with the Baeba trays instead. So far, Lucas has tried Bananas, Sweet Potatoes, Apples, and Pears. I am going to attempt to give him avocado for the first time tomorrow.

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