Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lucas - 5 Months Old

Happy 5 months to our sweet boy! Lucas is getting so active and is almost sitting up on his own. One accomplishment that I am extremely happy about is that Lucas is finally sleeping in his crib! Let's just say we had a little trouble getting him to sleep in there up until now. He slept best in his bouncer (insert the "what a bad parent" eye roll in here now) so prior to this week he was sleeping next to our bed in either the bouncer or the swing. When we went away last weekend, we brought the pack and play thinking that he wouldn't use it but we figured we would try. We put it next to our bed in the hotel so he could still see us and he slept all night in there. When we got back on Sunday, I put him in the crib (when he was sleepy but not asleep yet) and he slept until 6:30am! A couple of nights this week he did wake up at 4:00 am and I brought him in the bedroom with us since I was exhausted. However, the last few nights he has been sleeping in there from 10 to 6:30 or 7! Wohoo!

In other updates, Lucas is a very social baby and loves to smile and make eye contact with people. He is a very happy baby (as long as he isn't in the car seat) and doesn't give us much trouble. He has been starting the teething process for the last few weeks and does become cranky when his teeth start bothering him. We are seeing him bite down on his fingers and trying to bite down on ours as well. Nothing has poked through the gums yet but we can fell a slight bump on gums. Lucas still LOVES his swing and still takes his naps in there.

PS - Lucas had solids for the first time. Stay tuned for a post on that!

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