Saturday, April 12, 2008

Xerox President's Club - Maui, Hawaii

Xerox treated us to a trip in Maui to reward Joshua and the rest of the hard worker bees for their sucess! We stayed at the Fairmont in Maui for 4 nights and then transferred to a differnt hotel which was in another location on the Island of Maui. Xerox rented a car for us and we were able to travel around the island. Sadly, we did not have enough time to do the whole day trip to the "Road to Hanna". I love Hawaii and CAN'T wait for another opportunity to return. It is the most beautiful, wonderful place I have ever seen. It is hard to believe that such natural beauty can exist.

Here is the full album of our trip:


Here are some of my favorite pictures!
From Hawaii

From Hawaii

From Hawaii

From Hawaii

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